Best SEO Memes for Google's Latest Core Algorithm Update 2022

So the latest Google Core Algorithm Update is upon us and that means only one thing - PANIC! Just kidding, I'm sure you'll be fine. Even if it isn't, we've collated some of the best memes from around the web to lighten the mood a little.

For more memes, or just general time wasting, checkout out our Facebook group: SEO Jokes and Memes

So where better than to start our list with a Squid Game meme? That's right, last year! But this is still a pretty cool one so let's keep it in.

squid game core algorithm update meme

We know what a smack in the face it is when you think you're doing everything right and then BAM! Google comes along and spanks your rankings to oblivion.

 core algorithm update hitting your rankings in the face

Let's face it, we all know when the core algo updates are coming, there's no point running. That doesn't mean we won't try. Or even if we don't, we can whine and bitch about it:

core algorithm update chasing your rankings

Nothing hurts more (well, actually, plenty of things hurt more) than flying up the rankings only for Google to change their mind about your site and knock you down a few pages. With extreme prejudice!

google is a liar

Yeah so when asked a few days earlier if there was an incoming core algo update, several Googlers replied with "umm, no idea". Its not the destruction of our rankings that hurts Google, its the lying! Actually, I take that back. Its definitely the destruction of our rankings that hurts the most.

Of course, not everyone sees a rankings drop during a core algo update, as the following meme from serial memer Izzi Smith demonstrates:

When Google rolls out a core update and your rankings improve

Credit: Izzi Smith

Remember, if your rankings are stable, or even improve, during a Google update its very very important to be smug about it. It makes it that much more painful for those who suffered. So its all worth it.

Here's another gif to perfectly sum up that feeling of recovering traffic during a core algo algorithm:

when your website traffic recovers after a core algorithm update

We all miss the days when updates were named after cute animals. Let's face it, penguins, pandas and hummingbirds are awesome!

core algorithm update cat meme

Credit: Izzi Smith

Maybe someone should set up a petition to bring back the cool update names? If you ask me, it all went downhill with the medic update. That was meh.

Of course, many of us suspected that there was an update coming from Google as the following meme from the queen of Core Algorithm Updates, Marie Haynes shows:

you ok? meme

Credit: Marie Haynes

Yes, we did suspect it was coming. No, we were not calm about it. Ha! In fact, some of us were outright upset such as British soap opera legend, Phil Mitchell, is in this meme:

Phil Mitchell core algorithm update meme

Its so true Phil. So so true.

The following meme combines my two favourite things; memes and Captain Picard (NERD!). The perfect combination in my opinion:

shaka when the rankings fell meme

Credit: SEO Signals Lab

Let's face it, we put a brave face on things. We claim things like "if your website is good then there's nothing to worry about". But if we're honest with ourselves, we're all worrying as this meme shows:

I fear no man core algorithm update meme

Credit: SEO Signals Lab

Ever feel like you're about to score a home run and BAM! You get taken out at the last hurdle? Yup, you've been hit by a core algorithm update.


core algorithm udpate make a wish meme

And finally, where better to finish than a Samuel L. Jackson action figure?

samuel l jackson seo meme

Any memes that we've missed out? Let us know on our Facebook group: SEO Jokes and Memes