
  • Bulk generate AI meta descriptions in Google Sheets

    Let's face it, writing meta descrptions are boring and time-consuming. Writing large numbers of them can feel like a long and thankless task. Would...
  • Find cannibalizing internal links in bulk using Screaming Frog

    Cannibalising internal links are when more than one link uses the same anchor text but link to different pages. This relates specifically to links with target keywords in the text, so you can ignore generic links such as "click here" or "buy now". These can be difficult to find in bulk, simply because a typical website will have a huge number of total internal links which can make them difficult to analyse.

  • SEO Examples of Authorship Done Wrong

    Authorship isn't new in SEO. Some of you will remember the rel="author" tag that did the rounds a few years ago. This linked the author of a page t...
  • Best SEO Memes for Google's Latest Core Algorithm Update 2022

    So the latest Google Core Algorithm Update is upon us and that means only one thing - PANIC! Just kidding, I'm sure you'll be fine. Even if it isn'...
  • Best GA4 Memes about the end of Universal Analytics

    Still furious about the death of Universal Analytics to be replaced by GA4? Then check out our latest memes on the subject to cheer yourself up.
  • Use Google Inspect URL API with Python to Inspect URLs in Bulk

    In January, Google announced the Search Console URL Inspection API. This is great news for SEOs who want to be able to diagnose indexing issues at ...
  • Bulk export Google Trends rising keywords using Python

    My latest script is all about using Python to scrape Google Trends rising keywords to generate article ideas. No coding is required!
  • Track your backlinks for free with Google Sheets

    Use this simple tracker to check the status of your backlinks, nofollow attributes and anchor text. Absolutely free and easy to use!
  • How to create XPaths for almost any Custom Extraction

    Crawling tools, such as Screaming Frog or Deepcrawl, are fantastic ways to analyse large websites. When I first started learning about custom extra...
  • How to do automate product keyword research using Supermetrics

    Keyword research is one of the most important tasks in SEO. Unfortunately, it is also one of the most time consuming. When working with large ecomm...
  • An SEO's guide to finding the best Black Friday deals

    So Black Friday is nearly amongst us again and, like me, you'll probably be at work pretending to look busy whilst scoping out the best online deals (just kidding boss, if you're reading this).
  • Using Python to find internal linking opportunities

    Recently I have been learning a (little) bit of Python in my spare time in the hope that it will help me become better at SEO. And finally, I have ...